Saturday, November 6, 2010

Randomness #1

I came across this YouTube video today and I thought it was worth sharing with all of you.

This video was taken during the International Quilt Market, Spring 2010 and features Lizzy House.
Lizzy is a fabric designer for Andover fabrics, who is responsible for the popular fabric line Castle Peeps.

During this presentation, Lizzy talks about how to attract and keep young quilters.  I think this also applies to modern quilters (of all ages) as well.  Plus, as an added bonus she mentions the Modern Quilt Guild.

This is part 1 of a 2 part presentation.  If you wish to view the second part, I'm sure you can find it on YouTube.

This post was also created to let you all know that I've started another tab (Local Quilt Shops); which can be found in the header of this blog.  I'd like to make sure that we show some love to those shops which cater or offer services which would be of interest to a Modern Quilter. 
As our new homepage is built and evolves, this information will also be housed there too.


  1. I was lucky enough (to stay until the end) and attend this lecture last Spring. Lizzy was spot on and I think the message is just starting to get through to the shop owners. But we all have to let them know what we want when we go into their stores. They want to sell fabric and will carry modern lines if we ask for it and buy it. They are afraid of sitting on fabric that won't sell.

  2. EXCELLENT advice from Lizzy! I notice there is too much of a divide between 'traditional' and 'modern' quilters. I haven't seen an effort to "reach across the aisle" which is huge. We're all quilters for heaven's sake!
