Hi All,
Just wanted to share some cool things that are going on that you might want to be a part of, take advantage of, know about, etc. Remember, if you find something that you think the group would like to know about, send me an email.
Not only are they having a great big sale on alot of great fabric right now; but next week starts Giveaway Day. Giveaway Day is a week long event where you can enter to win some awesome giveaways of all varities, just by checking out the participating blogs, reading their posts and commenting.
On the flip side, if you write a blog and want to participate, it's super-simple. It's a great way to connect with tons of new readers and possibly get yourself a few new followers along the way. Plus, who doesn't like prizes. Everything you need to know, can be found here. If you want to sign up to host a giveaway, the deadline is this Friday...so hurry up.
Rene forwarded an email to me that all Moda Fabrics are on sale by using coupon code QHAMF25 at checkout. The coupon expires on Monday, May 22nd at 11:59pm (Pacific)
Fabric Nosherie
As discussed during the last meeting, later this Fall a modern fabric shop will be opening in Old Webster Groves (Can we get a big round of Applause). You can read Shannon's blog: Fabric Nosherie to check out the progress. In similiar news, I've invited Shannon to attend one of our meetings to talk with our members...I'll let you know when she plans on attending.
Quilt Calculator
If you are anything like me, you don't have ready access to any sort of Quilting Calculator, or Yardage Calculator...so you might do it old school on graph paper, or use Adobe Illustrator, Excel or even PowerPoint. I've done a little Google searching and came across this gem. Now there might be better ones out there; but I've been looking for a while. This one is pretty cool and even shows a cutting diagram.
That's it for right now; but remember to check in here and on Flickr. You never know what you'll find.
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