Saturday, June 11, 2011

Meeting Recap (June 11th, 2011)

Thank You ! Thank You ! Thank You ! to everyone who came to today's meeting.  We had a packed house with 43 people in attendance...our biggest showing yet, YAY!

You could feel the excitement in the air as people began filing into the room, before I knew it there were beautiful charity blocks being hung up on the walls, people were buzzing about the Solids Only Challenge and a certain surprise that was teased for those who follow us on Flickr.  We even had a special guest drop by {{Hi, Shannon}}. 

So, let's get right to it.  Here's the recap:
  • We have an amazing 62 "official" members as of today's awesome is that, considering that our anniversary is next month.  1 year and 62 members, such a wonderful thing and I thank each and every one of you for following along on this journey with me.
  • Shannon Robinson, owner of Fabric Nosherie, the Modern Quilt Shop opening in late Aug/early Sept stopped by to talk about her shop as well as the Golden Ticket Bus Tour.  It's a 5-state tour of what can only be considered the "Best of the Best" Quilt Shops.  The event is Sept 23rd-25th and registration opens today.  The cost is $239 ($199 if you pay in full by Aug. 24th) and includes Deluxe Hotel accommodations including all meals, cocktails, and of course a ticket on the First Class Executive Black Bus.  You know you want to party like a Rock Star!!  Here is the link to Shannon's blog which describes more about it.  If you want to register, please contact Shannon so she can get you on the list.  It's sure to fill up fast.  If you missed any of Shannon's short presentation about Fabric Nosherie, here is a link to the information.
  • As I mentioned earlier, those charitable cross blocks have begun showing up in large numbers.  Due to recent events, half of the quilts that are made will be donated to Project Linus (as originally planned) but now the other half will be given to a group collecting quilts for Joplin, Missouri.  The due date is the July 9th meeting.  Challenge your friends, to see who can make the most...or challenge yourself.  Can you make 2, 5, 10??  You can learn more here.  Don't forget, for every block you donate you are entered into the drawing for a $20 Gift certificate to Sew,Mama,Sew!
  • Solids Only Challenge as sponsored by Robert Kauffman.  We had an amazing number of participants for our 1st challenge and I was completely blown away at the amount of creativity and talent seen today.  I need everyone's help to upload/email me the photos you have taken of your quilt, as I'll be writing a special blog post in a few weeks, you won't want to miss it. 
  • Our July meeting will include a program titled Fabric Folding & Storage Solutions.  If you have a nifty trick or way of organizing your fabric, we'd love to have you participate in our program.  Alternatively, if your sewing room is fantastic for reasons x, y and z and you want others to know about it, please drop me a line as we'll be writing a blog post about our member's "Storage Solutions".
  • I introduced a new sponsored challenge that due-paying members can participate in starting next month.  FreeSpirit is offering up some of Jay McCarroll's HABITAT line.  Fabric, rules and fun to start in July.
  • I have a challenge for hard is it to get 30 Quilters to sit in a circle and pass fabric to their left.  The answer might surprise you-hahaha.  We started our Rip, Rip, Ripping Challenge today with a game that hit several roadblocks along the way; but in the end should make for some interesting creativity.  I have updated our Challenge tab above to include the official rules.  It all started today and is due in August.
  • Finally, I wanted to touch upon a topic that I've been researching and working on the last few months.  I've been on the hunt for a new location for our meetings.  The BBS Quilt Shop in St. Charles has been a wonderful location; but we have quickly outgrown it's walls and trying to reserve rooms at local libraries has been a challenge to say the least.  The good news is that we have found a location and for those in attendance today, I hope the open forum gave you a chance to express your thoughts and feelings on this matter.  Now that I have the group's "blessing" I can confirm the details and get things finalized.  It is our hope to make this change in August; so keep checking your email and make sure that you visit our blog for the latest news.  I'll be posting ALL details as soon as I can. 
I hope you all had fun today, thanks for your enthusiasm.

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