Thursday, October 13, 2011

Flickr Feature Friday #5

Today's Flickr Feature Friday is extra special because there is a little bit of news
at the bottom of the post that I encourage everyone to check out.


Here's the code:


This week's Flickr Feature Friday is brought to you by Kristy Daum.

<----------------Extra, Extra...Read all About It--------------->

It you check Flickr regularly, then you probably already know about this...sorry,
not such a surprise.  Yet for those of you who don't, I ask you to stand up and be counted.

The Modern Quilt Guild has sent out a survey and would like everyone's participation.  It goes pretty fast and asks questions about you as a quilter, about your participation in your local MQG, and your thoughts on a possible future MQG Convention.

We (Modern Quilters) don't have opportunities like this step right up and fill it out.  Additionally, we are partnering with the Kansas City MQG and the Chicago MQG to shout "Loud and Proud" about how a midwest convention would be perfect. Great hotel rates, equal travel times from both coasts, etc. 

Thanks a Million!!!

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