Thursday, February 16, 2012

Flickr Feature Friday #10

This is our 10th edition of Flickr Feature Friday here at the STLMQG.  We hope that this tradition helps bring a little inspiration to help jump-start your weekend.


Here's the code:

1. Joseph's Coat Quilt Top, 2. Ned's Quilt, 3. Hand quilted Baby quilt, 4. Turquoise and black spirals, 5. IMG__2701, 6. Mosaic7. Merrill's diamond stars, 8. prada quilt finished, 9. Pattern envy, 10. zigzag quilt -- Ziggy11. PTS6 finished front, 12. abstract mini inspired by Yoshiko Jinzenji

This week's Flickr Feature Friday is brought to you by Lynne

1 comment:

  1. great feature! those are some of my favorites too! thanks for including my 'Equilibrium' quilt (#5)!
