Friday, September 21, 2012

STLMQG Handmade Holidays

Ahhh...nothing like talking about the Holidays on the last day of Summer, eh?
We thought we’d get a jump-start and we need Y-O-U.  The “STLMQG Handmade
Holidays” series is a multi-faceted event eventually becoming a great resource
for our members throughout the year.
Many of you make gifts and swap handmade items throughout the year using tutorials you find online.  You’ve likely bookmarked or “pinned” these tutorials. We want to know about them and share the wealth of knowledge on our Pinterest board.
What to pin:
  • The tutorial must be available for free online and you must have actually made and enjoyed the tutorial before. Just because this is a “Handmade Holidays” series, doesn’t mean we are looking for Holiday-related tutorials only although some could be. This is an opportunity to share your favorite tutorials which would make great gifts…so pouches, ornaments, potholders, toys, etc.

What to do:

  • Follow our STLMQG Handmade Holiday board on Pinterest.

  • Start pinning your favorite tutorials (following the instructions above). Include the tag #STLMQGHandmadeHolidays in the pin comment field...this way we know that you want us to see the pin.

  • Bring to the October meeting, a handful of items (limit 5) with you that you have made using any of the tutorials you have pinned. We’ll have a little Show & Tell so people can see the items up close and personal, ask questions, maybe learn a shortcut or two. There’s sure to be some duplication, as some tutorials are very popular, and that’s okay because we all have different experiences with the same pattern.

Now, get pinning and don’t forget to use the tag #STLMQGHandmadeHolidays
Also, don't forget about our participation in the 100 Quilts for Kids event.  The quilts
are due at our October Meeting.  Remember, there are prizes; but you must be "registered".

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