Saturday, December 1, 2012

Ticket Raffle 2012

Happy December 1st, everyone! 

As many of you may remember, this month's meeting is jam-packed with lots of events and festivities.  The agenda will be out on Tuesday, so make sure that you check back in with us.

One of the many highlights this month will be our Ticket Raffle; which was a bounding success last this year is Ticket Raffle, the sequel :-)

A big Thank You to all of our members who donated items this year, there are way too many to share here on our blog; but we picked just a few to wet your appetite.

The rules are pretty simple, if you donated items at November's meeting, you will be receiving tickets which you can use towards a chance at winning some wonderful items.  If you didn't donate, or want to buy tickets (this is a guild fundraiser afterall); tickets will be available for purchase at the meeting 3 for $1.  So don't forget your wallet, cash and checks will be accepted.

Here's a quick sneak peek at some of the items up for grabs:

And this isn't even the half of it.  We have lots more fabric, a finished quilt, patterns, sewing notions, restaurant gift certificate and wine, etc, etc, etc.
Finally, there is one item which we will NOT be accepting tickets for; but rather holding a silent auction instead.  Due to it's size, the below foldable sewing cabinet will not be at the meeting; so if you are interested in this item please make sure that you check the dimensions that are provided below.  The current owner will make arrangements with the winner and gladly drop off this cabinet, so if you have a small vehicle, it won't be a problem.  Talk about a deal!

Opening for machine : 19 1/4" x 10 1/2"
Cabinet when open (as shown in left photo): 51" Length x 34 3/4" Width x 30" High
Cabinet when closed (as shown in right photo): 24" Length x 34 3/4" Width x 30" High

If you have specific questions about the cabinet, drop us a line and we'll forward the questions onto the current owner.
Are you excited yet?

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