Sunday, July 28, 2013

Modern Quilt Guild Affiliation - Guild Membership Approved

Hello Modern Quilters,

As you may remember from the post that was written last week, our guild had a decision to make regarding if we would be affiliating with The Modern Quilt Guild.

We sent out emails to all of our due-paying members, included documentation about the affiliation, the required changes to our by-laws, etc.  Thank you to all of those members who took the time to read the information and vote, your participation shows that you are invested in our guild's future.

As the votes were tallied, we did receive our majority and therefore our guild will be affiliating; which we are very excited to be doing. Thank You again!

So, you are probably asking yourself...What's Next??

First, we will be providing The Modern Quilt Guild with all required paperwork this week; which includes a copy of our amended By-Laws, our Financial documentation, List of Officers, etc. 

Second, we will be uploading all of our members into the database.  This database will not only make it easier for the Officers to manage our guild; but will provide each member with an opportunity to participate in The Modern Quilt Guild community site.  Each due-paying member will receive a confirmation email, asking you to verify that you are in fact a member of the St. Louis Modern Quilt Guild.  It is important that you click through to the link in the email and verify this information, otherwise the Officers will not be able to properly communicate with you.

Third, once you have confirmed you place as an STLMQG due-paying member, take some time to check out the new community site, play around and have some fun.  It is still a work in progress, and new features will roll out throughout the year. 


We have updated our About Us section to include the amended By-Laws; but you can also find them here for quick reference.  As stated in the previous post and email sent to you, we were required to include specific wording in regards to 501(c)3 status.  The By-Laws were amended on Saturday, July 28th...after all of the votes were tallied.

If you have any questions, you can reach us at

We look forward to seeing you at our next meeting on Saturday, August 10th.


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