Wednesday, June 10, 2015

June 2015

Hello Modern Quilters,

Just a reminder that we will not have a meeting this month due to scheduling conflicts at The Heights.

In lieu of a meeting, we have planned a guild roadtrip to Sarah's Fabric in Lawrence, KS; which several of you signed up for.

If you are not attending the roadtrip; here are some other things you might want to check out or do.

  • Thinking of going to QuiltCon 2016 in Pasadena?  Check out the QuiltCon catalog filled with the schedule of events, classes and presentations.  Two of your fellow guild members (Casey York and Becca Bryan) are even teaching/ exciting is that!
  • Raid your inbox and find the BOM emails that Kelly has been sending...and start a block or two to show off at next month's meeting
  • Check out the STLMQG Pinterest boards for some inspiration, tutorials, etc.  We are in the process of adding lots of new content, so follow us.
  • Looking to grow your Instagram inspiration?  Don't forget to search hashtags that others use, as it opens up a whole new world of inspiration and people
  • How about a Quilt-Along for the Summer?  If simple lines and designs are your thing, check out the Simplicity Quilt-Along

Members, keep an eye on your inbox as we will be sending out a few emails in the coming weeks regarding several of our events this's EXCITING stuff !!!

We look forward to seeing you at our July meeting, where we will be celebrating our guild's 5th anniversary as well as doing some educational demos...more info to come.

See you in July.

1 comment:

  1. Hello and thanks so much for the mentioning of my Simplicity quilt-along! We're on week 2 now, so lots of time to join still. Many of the twelve blocks will come together quickly, and I'll post a suggestion for both a wall-hanging quilt size and baby quilt size in the last week, if you only want to make a few blocks.
