Sunday, September 11, 2016

Meeting Recap (September 10th, 2016)

We were pleased to see so many people at yesterday's meeting, and while it seems we covered a lot of ground, the discussions were worthwhile.  Please take a few minutes to make sure that you didn't miss anything that was discussed.

  • Jessica, our Secretary, announced that we have 106 members...YAY!! She also announced the dates for the next Hand-Sew Happy Hours; which will go out again in a separate email in the next few days.
  • Are you participating in our Crayon Challenge?  The due date is our November meeting, so you have lots of time to get working on your idea.  Rules are here (Crayon Challenge).
  • SewMeSTL will be here before we know it, and the Member's Swap/Challenge Committee announced an exciting swap for attendees.  Check out the official announcement here (SewMeSTL 2016 - Announcement)

  • The first of our Show & Tells for the day was our Quilting Bee Showcase; which provided lots of inspiration to those in a bee, or looking to start one.  You can find most if not all of the quilts shown on our STLMQG Instagram page.
  • We discussed The MQG and the recent stumble, what's next, how our members can and should get more involved, etc.  If you would like to reach out to The MQG, this link will provide you with multiple ways to get in touch. 
    • If you would like to get in touch with our Region 3 Rep, Andrew, you can do so here.  In all situations, we just ask that you "play nice", and provide constructive opinions that will create helpful dialogue for the betterment of our guild, The MQG, and the modern quilting community.  We are all in this together!
The Modern Quilt Guild

  • Our second Show & Tell for the day was titled First & Last: which was an opportunity for our members to show how they started, how they have grown, how their aesthetic has changed, etc. Just as before, most if not all of the quilts shown, can be found on our STLMQG Instagram page.  
  • It is that time again to start prepping for 2017 as it relates to Officer Elections.  If this sounds like something you would be interested in pursuing, please take a few minutes to read through the responsibilities.  If you are interested in being a candidate, please send an email to
    • Our election is held every November, when there are candidates available to vote on. While we will accept candidates for all of our positions (President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer), please note that the Treasurer position will be vacant next year as Rene is stepping down to pursue her position at Nathanial Reid Bakery.
  • Our final Show & Tell for the day was our normal, bring what you have recently completely, what excites you, etc.  Those photos can also be found on our STLMQG Instagram page.


Finally, there were several other important; but side discussions or announcements that were made, and we want to be sure that you have the information and links, so please see below.

  • Tech Shop: As Casey announced, this new venture for St. Louis is an opportunity for Makers of all sorts to get together and work on machinery they may not usually have access to, including things from a long-arm and sewing machines, to laser-cutters, 3-D printers, a wood-working shop, etc.  If this is of interest to you, check out their website (TechShop). 

Remember, we do not have a meeting in October, as it is our annual in-town retreat...SewMeSTL.
We hope to see you there!!

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