Tuesday, August 13, 2019

SewMeSTL 2019 Announcement

Sew Me St. Louis logo

Please join your fellow St. Louis MQG members at the sixth annual Sew Me St. Louis weekend, where there will be lots of laughs, sewing, and opportunities to make memories. For the second time, SewMeSTL will take place across three fun-filled days!

Friday, Oct. 18 and Saturday, Oct. 19
8 am-midnight
Sunday, Oct. 20
9 am-5 pm

Marriott St. Louis West
660 Maryville Centre Drive
St. Louis, MO 63141

:: All Day / All Night Open Sew ::
:: Swaps, Demos, Raffles, and More ::

This event is open to current St. Louis MQG members. Members must register, and space is limited to the first 80 registrants. We will also have a waiting list. The registration link will be sent out via email.

The cost is $20 per day. This fee helps to cover the rental cost of the ballrooms, swag, and other incidentals. Information on payment options will be sent after registration.

As always, don’t forget to use #SewMeSTL and #STLMQG on social media. Interested to see how much fun we've had in the past? Check out #sewmestl on Instagram.

Your registration secures a place for you in the All Day/All Night Open Sew Room. It’s a large ballroom fitted with standard-size tables, chairs, access to electricity, and way more fun than you can imagine. This communal room is where everyone will be hanging out, chatting, quilting, hand sewing, knitting, etc. until midnight on Friday and Saturday and then again until 5 pm on Sunday.

Food and drinks are allowed in the ballroom, so members are encouraged to bring something to share with the group -- a batch of brownies, veggies, fruit, chips, etc. For your main meal, consider visiting the hotel restaurant or checking out any of the fabulous restaurants in the surrounding area for lunch and/or dinner.

Door Prizes:: The SewMeSTL Committee has secured a number of exciting door prizes, which will be raffled over the course of the weekend. We'll be posting "sneak peeks" on Instagram in the coming weeks.

Scrap Swap:: Love scraps? Then this easy swap is for you. Just bring a quart- or gallon-size plastic bag filled with scraps and take home an equal share from the large pile of everyone's scraps. Just remember … we are a modern guild, so this is not the time to unload your upholstery and/or traditional fabrics. Scraps should be a usable size -- at least 2.5" square. The swap will take place Saturday evening.

Pouch Swap:: The Member Swap and Challenge Committee has created a fun blind swap for us this year.  All SewMeSTL attendees can participate. Those who wish to participate should use this tutorial by Anna Graham (aka Noodlehead) to create an Open-Wide Zippered Pouch using modern fabrics. You can choose any of the three pouch sizes in the tutorial. For fun, please also add a fun item or two to the pouch -- maybe a fat quarter or neat notion, some chocolate, a mini wine bottle, or so on. Pouches should be brought inside a bag (lunch sacks or plastic grocery bags work well) tied up with a piece of ribbon or selvage so participants will know which bag is theirs (so they don't pick their own). Do not put your name on the outside of the bag, but please include a "made by" note inside the pouch with your name so the recipient can thank you! The swap will take place on Saturday.

Weaving Class:: Jamie Willis, a member who is also a weaver, will be teaching a workshop on Saturday afternoon on making beautiful woven bracelets like the one shown below. The class will be three hours. You must register for the workshop when you register for SewMe. The class is limited to 12 members. Jamie will supply the warp linen, looms, tapestry needles, and clasps ($15 kit fee required), which are yours to keep. A list of other supplies will be provided after registration.
Demos:: The committee is organizing several short demos throughout the weekend. Members can sign up to present a demo during registration.

Other Fun::

--One night will be a pajama party! Wear your pjs, and we'll play silly games in the breakout room. Not into games? Keep right on sewing in the ballroom.
--Daily show and tells

--Daily chair yoga/stretching sessions to keep you limber

We can't wait to see you all there!

1 comment:

  1. From a SewMe STL newbies-- Will there be a recommended equipment list posted? Don't understand what I need to bring.
