Thursday, March 12, 2020

Upcoming Cancellations Due To COVID-19

March 14th Meeting CANCELED
With an incredibly serious feeling of responsibility for our members, the board has decided to error on the side of caution and cancel the guild meeting on Saturday, March 14th. 

Everything we intended to cover at the meeting will be in the usual recap email that will go out the following Tuesday. It will be particularly robust. We will also spend the weekend updating the blog with many of those same details. 

Tara Faughnan Weekend CANCELED
For now, that is. We will be working over the next two weeks on rescheduling her visit and will push that information out as soon as we have something to share. A separate notification will go out late next week to all those who have registered for her workshops to answer your questions and concerns. The blog 2020 Speaker tab will be updated as we know more. 

We still want to see those beautiful creations you were going to bring to the meeting, plus all the other things you've been working on. Let's light up Instagram on Saturday morning with a Virtual Show and Share! I know you have a few quilty photos in that phone of yours so tag them with the #s below and we will oooh and ahhhh from a CDC recommended distance. 

#sharequiltsnotgerms, #stlmqg, #mqg, #showusyourmqg. And if you're feeling particularly sassy, #coronacantstopmyshowandshare.

Additional Notes:
If you intended to pay your dues at the meeting, please let us know. You can either send us a check or we can email you an invoice to be paid online. Unfortunately, we cannot delay this until our next meeting as we have to report our official 2020 numbers to the MQG for our annual dues. 

Hand-Sew Happy Hours, as smaller and informal gatherings, will be discussed and announced closer to their respective dates. 

Thank you for your patience! 
Stay safe and healthy. We do not cancel these events lightly and hope you understand our concern and good intentions. You are welcome to reach out at any time with questions or concerns, but also know we will be pushing information out as soon and as best as we can once we know more and have been able to make well thought out decisions. Your patience and understanding is greatly appreciated. Take care and fingers crossed for May!!

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