Tuesday, June 16, 2020

June Non-Meeting and Social Recap (June 13, 2020)

Recap: June 13th Zoom Social
Boy it was great to see your faces!! Thanks so much to everyone who was able to participate. We saw Christine from her car, had a dizzying tour of Angie's workspace, and some absolutely lovely quilts both finished and in-progress! This experience has allowed the guild to make some decisions about how to move forward for the rest of 2020 and we have lots of information to share at this time. 

Remainder of our 2020 Meetings:
  • Format: Zoom
  • Time: 10-11:30am
  • Dates: Second Saturday of the Month, see the Meeting and Event tab for a list of dates.
  • How to Join: MEMBERS: The link will be included in the pre-meeting email sent the Tuesday before the meeting as well as again the Friday evening before the meeting so it is at the top of your inbox.  NON-MEMBERS: May request to join a meeting by completing an online form
  • Additional Information: We have compiled a How To/FAQ document to help introduce you to Zoom. It will be included in all emails that contain a Zoom link. It is accessible at anytime on the Member Drive. 
STLMQG 10 Year Birthday Party!
  • Date: July 25th
  • Location: World's Fair Pavilion, Forest Park
  • Time: 6pm
  • We will spread out in the shade of the pavilion or nearby grass, working hard to observe a 6 foot distance from each other at all times. Must Haves: Your own chair and mask. Strongly Encouraged: Name tag, a beverage for hydration or otherwise, take out, hand sanitizer and your latest creation for others to see!
  • This will also be a collection point for anything you wish to turn in - charity projects, block lotto blocks, etc. If Pennant Swap partners are both done and attending, feel free to go ahead and swap!
STLMQG Zoom Account Available to Members
  • The Guild is happily sharing the STLMQG Zoom account with our members. Committees, Hand Sew Happy Hours, Bees, Traveling Quilt Groups, just a group of ladies discussing the latest MQG webinar.... Please feel free to use it to connect with other members during this isolating time. Tess McMahon, our Treasurer, is coordinating these meetings. Contact her directly to make arrangements!
Calls for Volunteers: 
  • Drop Boxes: In order for members to turn in any activity items, we would like to establish drop boxes on members' porches around the region. Other members can then drive to the closest drop box to them and turn in their items. Once a month or so, the board with make a run to empty all the boxes. Please know that at no time will these address be released to the public, only to other guild members. Know, too, that the intent is for this to be a no contact drop box: members can come, drop items in the box, and then leave, all without disturbing the occupants. Complete this form if you are willing to host a drop box for us!
  • QuiltCon Charity Challenge: The QuiltCon Charity Quilt Challenge has begun and we need to get on the ball! This year's theme is curves and has a lovely bright palette of oranges and blues. We have some responses but are still looking for a couple more individuals who can take on the organization of this challenge on behalf of the guild. Please email stlmqg@gmail.com if you are interested in being a part of that team. The overall guidelines can be found here, as well as in the April email from the MQG. 
Announcements from Committees:
  • The Quilt Show Committee has started planning for our 2021 Quilt Show.  As you are making quilts, thoughtfully consider making them Modern and entering them in the Quilt Show.  What is Modern?  Check out www.themodernquiltguild.com Can't wait to see your creations! -Robyn Passig, Show Chair
BOM: Fabric #6
Dots and Dashes: Fabric patterns comprised of dots or dashes. Due by the start of the July meeting!

Status of Events: 
This information is also always on the Meeting and Events tab on the blog. 
  • July Bocce Social: Replaced with the above mentioned birthday party.
  • Sew Me St. Louis: Moved to March 12-14, 2021
  • Tara Faughnan and Jen Carlton-Bailly Workshops: Canceled. 
Click on the links to see the blog posts and tabs for each activity. Where applicable, new information has been posted about collection points or drop offs. Be sure to use the appropriate # listed below as well as #stlmqg for all your posts!! 
  1. Block of the Month (BOM). #stlmqgbom
    • Due Date: By the start of the next meeting, post via Instagram using appropriate #s or email to stlmqg@gmail.com
      • Fabric #6 - Dots or Dashes
  2. Charity Projects. #stlmqgcares
  3. Postcard Challenge. #stlmqg
  4. Block Lotto. #stlmqgblocklotto
    • See blog tab and blog post for updates on dropping off and labeling your blocks. We want to ensure you get entered in for the drawings!!
    • Airmail Envelope
      • Due in drop boxes by July 15th
    • Scrap Bin Geese
      • Due in drop boxes by September 1st
  5. Pin Pennant Swap. #stlmqgpennantswap
    • Sign Up closed, please see your email for details and participation instructions. 
    • If you and your partner are both finished and attending the July Birthday Party, be sure to bring them then! Otherwise, mail to your swap partner no later than July 31st. We want everyone to have them by the August Zoom meeting.
See you all in July!!!

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