Saturday, January 9, 2021

2021 Quarterly Block Bees

How to connect with each other in our current world? How about a sewing bee that promotes small groups?! Yes, please! Throughout 2021 the guild will be hosting four rounds of a 4x5 Block Bee! New sign-ups will be available at the beginning of each round and you may participate in as many as you like. If you participate in all 4 rounds throughout the year you will have enough blocks for a throw sized quilt and might have blocks from up to 15 other members!

How to participate: 
*choose a color theme
*choose a background (suggested - white, gray, black solid or low volume print)
*choose a 12-inch (12.5-inch unfinished) block pattern
*decide if you'd like to be a group leader which simply includes checking in with your group and facilitating communication

Complete the sign-up form for the appropriate round(s) in which you wish to participate. Sign-up forms will be opened for a limited time the year at the start of each round. (See the proposed schedule below.)

After sign ups are closed, bee groups of 5-6 will be randomly assigned and shared with participants.  

Participants then: 
*make one of your blocks for each of your groups’ members in their respective color theme, including your own. 
*it is expected that you will use ONLY MODERN QUILT SHOP QUALITY fabric 
*finish all blocks by the deadline. We will finalize the actual exchange of blocks at a later date.
*Post your blocks!! Use #stlmqg and #stlmqg4x5bee when posting on social media

Round 1: 

Sign up: January (open for 10 days after meeting)
Groups assigned by: February Meeting
Check-in 1 (minimum progress: block pattern selected): March
Check-in 2 (minimum progress: fabrics pulled/purchased): April
Finished: May

Round 2: 

Sign up: April (open for 10 days after meeting)
Groups assigned by: May meeting
Check-in 1 (minimum progress: block pattern selected): June
Check-in 2 (minimum progress: fabrics pulled/purchased): July
Finished: August

Additional proposed scheduling:

Sign up: July (open for 10 days after meeting)
Groups assigned by: August meeting
Check-in 1 (minimum progress: block pattern selected): September 
Check-in 2 (minimum progress: fabrics pulled/purchased): October
Finished: November

Sign up: October (open for 10 days after meeting)
Groups assigned by: November meeting
Check-in 1 (minimum progress: block pattern selected): December
Check-in 2 (minimum progress: fabrics pulled/purchased): January 2022
Finished: February 2022


  1. When/Where is the sign-up for the first quarter Quarterly Block Bee?

  2. Hey Terry you can find the link in your member email :)
