Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Meeting Recap (August 14th, 2021)

Our first meeting in-person back from the pandemic break was this past weekend and we sure think it was a huge hit! We had about 80 folks show up and we appreciate everyone masking up and staying safe. We loved to see everyone and get a chance to catch up on all the things - and we loved too see our some of fellow members online as well for the hybrid version of the meeting. 

Guild Business:

  • The board provided some fun giveaways as a thank you to all our members who have stuck with us and even joined new throughout the past 18 months. For members who do not live near, we intend to mail these to you within the next month. For those of you who do not anticipate being at a meeting anytime soon, feel free to let us know if someone else will be picking up on your behalf. There is no rush for you to collect these items. 
  • Gail Luther, treasurer touched on the current state of the guild fiancnes - please connect with Gail if you want to learn more.

  • Christine Boyd, our secretary gave a quick update on member numbers. We are currently sitting at about 153! We had quite a few guests attending on Saturday and are pleased to see a few new applications coming in! If you're not a member yet - check out how to join.

  • Our Vice President Em Komiskey covered some of the online happenings coming up, below is a list. 

    - Dyeing with Indigo class at Perennial STL!
       Saturday August 21st, 10am - 12:30pm Learn More 
    - Spectacular Summer SAL with Quilted Connections June 14th - September 12th with monthly prize Drawings Check it out Here
    English Paper Piecing a Dresden at Jackman's Fabrics Thursdays September 2nd & 9th, 10am-12pm Learn More

Items Covered:

  • August Skill Builder - Quilt Math! Guild vice president Em Komiskey will be sharing all her tips and tricks for how to use those math skills to help you in your quilting projects. Zoom with us Wednesday, August 25th from 7-8pm. Look for your member email and zoom link reminders the night before.

  • Hand Sew *Home* Happy Hour August 31st from 6-9 - we would love to see you!

  • 4x5 Quarterly Bees Quarterly Block Bees - Round 2 should have wrapped this past weekend with exchanging blocks. Signups for Round 3 will be in your recap email. Make sure to post progress pictures and tag #stlmqg4x5bee on IG

  • Board Elections - President & Secretary Positions are open for next year - they are two year terms and we ask that if you are considering that you please notify Pam Hartig (pmhartig21@sbcglobal.net) by Oct 1st so we can announce the candidates in the October meeting and vote in the November. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to past or current board members to see if these positions might be a good fit for you.

  • QuiltCon 2022 - Friendly reminder make sure you have booked those hotels and registered for classes and lectures. The Quilt show entries will be open from September 1, 2021 through October 31, 2021. 

  • 2021 Remaining Monthly Meetings: We will be meeting at the Shrewsbury City Center's Multipurpose Room for the remainder of 2021. A Zoom option will be available for those unable to attend. 
    NOTE: Our October meeting will be on the 16th - this is NOT the 2nd Saturday of the month. 

  • Guild Merch - your probably saw some of us sporting our MAKE COOL STUFF swag this past weekend - we do have a limited number of extras email us if you're interested in snagging one - we will have these at our next in person meeting for sale.

  • Quiltcon Community Challenge
    This year's quilt is an interpretation of a map that depicts the racial diversity/integration in the STL metro area.

    Segregation in STL is a deeply rooted issue based on hundreds of years of discriminatory policies and practices. While progress is made every day, it will not be overcome easily and it continues to negatively affect many aspects of our region, including, one could argue, our own guild. We hope members will delve more deeply into this as well as reflect a bit on where their house falls within this quilt and what circumstances have contributed to that as they make their blocks. We hope this ties in with the themes we have heard recently from the SJSA and Color of Connection Quilt including that change starts with the individual and it's time to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. 

    We intend to make packets of instructions for members to sign out. Each packet will be responsible for 2 blocks. We will have a total of around 85 packets. We started handing this month with an expected return of September or October. 

  • Charity Committee Summer/ Fall Project - we are making small quilts for the Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (CG PICU). Our goal is 60 quilts - please check out the blog post for more information about sizes, color schemes and deadlines. Make sure to share your finished quilts on social using #stlmqg, #stlmqgcares, and #stlmqgPICUquilts!
  • Vet Quilts - the deadline for these quilts has been pushed back to November so this will allow folks more time to work on these and help reach our goal. Read more here.

  • What is Modern?? Kristy Daum

    “Modern quilts are primarily functional and inspired by modern design.  Modern quilters work in different styles and define modern quilting in different ways, but several characteristics often appear which may help identify a modern quilt.

    These include but are not limited to, the use of bold colors and prints, high contrast and graphic areas of solid color, improvisational piecing, minimalism, expansive negative space, and alternate grid work.

    "Modern traditionalism" or the updating of classic quilt designs is also often seen in modern quilting.”

    - Definition for Modern Quilting as found on The Modern Quilt Guild website

    Kristy walked us through some examples of some her own modern makes - as well as talking through how Modern Quilting has and is constantly evolving, and how at the heart of it all we are ALL Quilters - there is room for everyone in this craft!
  • Fabric Raffle 
    Thanks to another very generous donation from our sponsor Cotton Cuts we had two excited members win some awesome fabric!

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