Saturday, February 14, 2015

Meeting Recap (February 14th, 2015)

Thanks to everyone who spent their Valentine's Day morning with us, while we couldn't promise chocolates and wine...we hope that you enjoyed your time.

Now, let's get to the recap:

  • Kelly announced that we have 87 members, as 2 new-to-us visitors joined today.  Welcome!
  • Casey and Jessica from the Member's Swap/Challenge Committee, provided the Pincushion Swap details and with a resounding cheer, we had a table full of intricate pincushions to vote on and swap.  Be sure to check out our #stlmqg hashtag on Instagram to see photos of the pinnies.
  • We asked that members bring their recent pattern and book purchases with them to share a little bit about why they bought them, what they were looking forward to making, etc.  It is our hope that members received some first-person recommendations, and introductions of new to them items.
  • Kristy led an Instagram 101 session and several members were up and running, uploading their first photos and learning about hashtags, swaps, destashes, etc. 
  • Following the break, Casey introduced the next swap; which begins March and concludes in April.  All those who are interested in participating should bring a 5" x 5" or larger piece of focal fabric to the March meeting.  Before the April meeting, participants will purchase 4 coordinating FQs, building a small bundle.  In April, the focal fabric and coordinating bundle will be given to it's original owner.  

Here are some quick announcements you might want to check out.

  • Have you been interested in purchasing a book by one of C&T's authors?  In honor of those authors who will be attending QuiltCon, C&T is offering a 25% discount. All the details can be found here.

Thanks for another great meeting, see you on March 14th !

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