Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Meeting Recap (November 12th, 2016)

Thank you to all who came out to our November meeting, read on to see all of the exciting things that occurred and what is coming up next.

  • Jessica, our Secretary, announced that we now have 107 members and reminded everyone that it was time to start thinking about and/or paying your 2017 STLMQG dues.  If you were not in attendance, you can still pay at our December meeting.  If you will not be attending, then please send the guild an email and alternate arrangements will be made.
  • 2016's SewMeSTL was a huge success and we are pleased to announce that 2017's event will once again be held at the Drury Inn & Suites.  Please mark your calendars for October 14th & 15th, 2017.  Information will be sent in the coming months regarding how to book your room, open call for Teachers, etc.
  • Dottie talked briefly about our guild's QuiltCon Charity Quilt inspiration.  If you missed the reveal, here is one of the "in progress" photo that Dottie shared. Thank you to all who made blocks, are still making blocks, coordinated the block packages, cut up the fabric, etc, etc, etc.

  • Robyn & Lynn, our Quilt Show Co-Chairs, shared with everyone all of the research they have been doing the last few months about the possibility of having a STLMQG Quilt Show. If you are interested in learning more and helping to get this off the ground, please consider signing up for the Quilt Show Committee.
  • Casey got our Crayon Challenge reveal going and we were all blown away by the work that the participants created. Congratulations to Laura, Lynn and Marianne who were each winners in their categories.  To check out some of the entries, please visit #stlmqg and #crayonchallenge on Instagram.
  • We held Part 2 of our MQG discussion and our members voted (nearly unanimously) to continue to be a part of the larger organization.  If you missed the benefits our members/guild receive, please check out the November Agenda to learn more.
  • As we prepare for our annual December Fundraiser, our members generously donated a lot of wonderful goodies.  We will be sharing some sneak-peeks on our STLMQG Instagram page in the coming weeks.  It's not too late to donate, as we will be collecting items at our December meeting.  Need a reminder of what to consider...check out this earlier post.
  • We are very pleased to announce that Krista Robbins will be our new Treasurer for 2017. Congrats!!
  • In addition, please be sure to say Thank You to Rene, who has been our guild's Treasurer for many years.  Her contribution to our guild will not go unnoticed and we do hope to see her now and again; when she's not peddling delicious bakery treats that is.

Here are some things that you may want to know:

   :: Starting in January 2017, our meeting space at The Heights has been enlarged and will now be double-rooms, allowing us to more easily do activities, demos, and the like.  

   :: It's not too late to finish that quilt and enter it into QuiltCon.  Entries are due by midnight CST on November 30th.  

   :: Thanks to Susanne at Lucky Spool, our guild library will be expanding to include 9 new books in 2017.  

*Giveaway* What!? It's been a year since I made this offer and I've loved hearing about what your guild members learned from our last book library giveaway, so here it is again!! As a Board Member of @themqg I am passionate about our organization and as a Publisher, I always seek to educate and inspire. Look what Lucky Spool has been up to just one year later!??! I'm honored to make the same offer again: If your #themodernquiltguild has 50 or more members, I'll send the first 30 guilds who send me an email (Susanne at luckyspool dot com), this collection of our latest books to either add to or to begin their own loaning library for their members. At #luckyspool we don't publish many books a year, but we hope your members find something to love in each (honest Amazon reviews are appreciated, but not required, of course 😊). Titles include #bohoembroidery #thequiltblockcookbook #beyondcottonbook #bythebundlebook #scrapsinc2 #intentionalpiecingbook #simplycolorbooks Purple #quiltersyearbook and #WALKbook So quickly, tag your guild librarian or president and the first 30 qualifying guilds who send me an email (above), not a comment, will each get sent a little library from me to you 😘🙌😘 Ready, set, GO!!!!! #justbetterbooks
A photo posted by Susanne Woods (@craftyeditor) on

That is all for now.  
Please have a Safe and Happy Thanksgiving holiday.  

Monday, November 7, 2016

Meeting #68 - November 12th, 2016

Hello Modern Quilters,

We hope to see you on Saturday where we will be inspired, have some healthy discussion and hopefully lots of fun.

Date: November 12th, 2016
Time: 10am - 12:30pm 
Location: The Heights

*Childcare available, please see info here*


-Welcome & Guild Business
     :: Membership Information
     :: Financial Information
     :: Special Announcements/Quilting News

-SewMeSTL Recap and 2017's event
-Charity Committee Update
-Ticket Raffle Item Collection (Learn more HERE)
-Quilt Show Committee News
-Crayon Challenge Due (Rules HERE 
-STLMQG Officer Elections
-The MQG discussion cont'd
-Show & Tell
-Mix & Mingle

-------------------------- FYI ------------------------------

:: This month we start collecting 2017 dues, so please do not forget your $40 cash or check (made out to the STLMQG) if you are interested in continuing with us next year.  We will also be collecting them at our December meeting as well.  If you will not be in attendance at either meeting; but would like to remain a member, please send us an email and we will provide you with further information.

:: We will be collecting items for our December Fundraiser, want to learn more about the items we are looking for, check out this link for a few years ago.  Just remember, this is not an opportunity to get rid of  super old items that belong on the Free Table.

:: Don't forget your Show & Tell items, we want to see what interesting and creative things you have been working on, new fabrics you have purchased, books that inspire you, etc.

:: We will be finishing our discussion on The MQG and deciding at the meeting whether or not to continue our partnership with them in 2017.  Check out these benefits which you and/or the guild receives by being a part of the larger organization.
As provided by The MQG in November's Member Newsletter

See You Saturday !!