- We began with quick introductions of our new board members.
- President - Emily Amizich
- Vice President - Pam Hartig
- Secretary - Lilo Whitener-Fey
- Treasurer - Tess McMahon
- Tess, our Treasurer, gave us the updated financial info. It's getting down to the wire to pay your 2020 dues to remain in good standing with the guild. They are $40. You can pay via our Paypal link or by cash, check, or charge at our February meeting.
- Lilo, our Secretary, gave an update on our membership numbers. We have 170 members, provided everyone pays their dues! We will have STLMQG pins and MQG pins at the February meeting if you have not received them yet.
- Pam, our Vice President, announced several quilting/sewing related events and news items. Check the email for the list, links, and information.
- Emily, our President, covered several items with occasional assistance of the other board members.
- Committee Sign Ups: We offered one last opportunity for 2020 committee sign ups and boy did you all respond! All spots are filled and all chairs are designated. We look forward to what you accomplish throughout the year.
- The formation of the Welcome Committee was announced and by the end of the meeting all spots were filled. The Welcome Committee is tasked with welcoming and introducing new members to the happenings and organization of the guild. Thank you to everyone who volunteered!
- Hand-Sew Happy Hour's next meeting is Tuesday, January 21st at the St. Louis Hills Bread Co.
- This month's activity was to divide into groups based on your zip code and get to know the folks who live nearby! Members discussed several topics and then shared a couple of fun items with the whole guild. We learned about fun places to eat, shop, and get creative within our own community.
- The Charity Committee collected and incredible 175 quilts to donate to Project Linus in 2019! Thank you to the committee (Gina Shelley, Lilo Whitener-Fey, Nancy Dlugosz, Emily DuBois, Ann Philiph, Patti Hawkins, Erin Chan, and Amy Suiter) for all of their hard work; to everyone who made a quilt; and to our wonderful longarmers and Nancy Dlugosz, who donated their quilting and binding services for monthly giveaways.
- The board announced the 2020 Block of the Month (BOM) challenge which is focusing on Solid Fabrics this year. Full details as well as January's designated fabric type can be found in the 2020 BOM section of the website.
- Also announced was the first 2020 Block Lotto quilt block. It's an adorable envelope block focusing on Valentine's colors and is due at the March meeting. Full details, color designations, and a link to the pattern can be found on the 2020 Block Lotto section of the blog.
- We wrapped up the meeting with another great Show and Tell. Keep an eye on our Instagram page to see pics of the meeting, show and tell, and our members' projects throughout the month.
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Meeting Recap (January 11, 2020)
Thanks to everyone who ventured out to the Shrewsbury City Center for our meeting on Saturday! It was nice to have a little breathing room for our growing group.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
2020 Block of the Month
The 2018 and 2019 BOMs have been such hits, we are excited to continue the challenge into 2020! In an effort to further the modern aesthetic overall as well as guide our members in exploring an aspect of modern quilting that can be intimidating, we are focusing on Solid Fabrics this year. Details are outlined below, we hope you will join in on the fun!

- There will be 10 months total.
- Each block must incorporate ONLY the following two elements:
- First, solid colored fabrics. Fabrics that read as solids do NOT fulfill this requirement. Use as many shades and colors as you wish.
- Second, one additional type of modern fabric print to be designated at each of the monthly meetings. You may use more than one fabric, as long as it falls into the designated print type for that month.
- Additional prints/types of fabrics are not allowed.
- You can make any block you want in any size and in any color, but it must incorporate solids and the monthly designated print type of fabric.
- To participate, you must post an image of your block to Instagram or email a picture to stlmqg@gmail.com before the next meeting to earn a point for that month. On Instagram, use hashtags #stlmqg and #stlmqgBOM.
- You earn one point for finishing a block that meets each month's guidelines and submitting the image before that month's deadline (usually the next meeting). You will earn five additional points if you finish at least 9 of the 10 blocks by the November meeting. Each point will be worth one entry in the drawing for four prizes. Winners will be announced at the November meeting.
- Feel free to "make up" missed months after they are due, but you will not receive points for those individual months. (However, all blocks will count toward your nine-block total for the five additional points in November, as long as they are submitted by the November meeting deadline.)
- You do not have to create a finished item with your blocks (although we are planning to have a separate prize raffle for finished projects at a later date).
- Blocks can be any size, design, or color -- it's totally up to you -- as long as they incorporate the correct types of fabrics and follow the guidelines.
- Finally, as one more incentive, everyone who brings their finished block to the monthly meeting will be entered to win a solid fabric color card from various brands such as Bella, Kona, and Cotton Couture! Simply show us your finished block in person at the meeting to receive a raffle ticket.
Fabric #1 (January): Multi-Colored Prints!
We think of mulit-colored fabrics as ones with 4 colors or more. Will we police this, absolutely not. It's the spirit of the challenge that counts! But with so many beautiful multi-colored fabrics it shouldn't be hard to find something lovely to work with. Ready, aaaaaaand GO!
Fabric #2 (February): Low Volume Prints!
A low volume fabric can best be defined as a fabric which shows up as a light solid, or nearly solid, in a black and white photo. These fabrics can vary from the lightest tone on tone fabrics to text fabrics printed on a light background, to light floral fabrics. White, cream, and grey tones by themselves or with a touch of color are all common qualities in low volume fabrics. Don't forget to use #stlmqgbom and #stlmqg, we don't want to miss a single one of your creative creations!
Fabric #3 (March): Geometric
A geometric pattern can be defined as a pattern consisting of lines and geometric figures, such as triangles, circles and squares, that tend to be symmetrical.
Fabric #4 (April): Abstract
A motif that does not depict a person, place, or thing in the natural world and are hard to describe in any other way.
Fabric #2 (February): Low Volume Prints!
A low volume fabric can best be defined as a fabric which shows up as a light solid, or nearly solid, in a black and white photo. These fabrics can vary from the lightest tone on tone fabrics to text fabrics printed on a light background, to light floral fabrics. White, cream, and grey tones by themselves or with a touch of color are all common qualities in low volume fabrics. Don't forget to use #stlmqgbom and #stlmqg, we don't want to miss a single one of your creative creations!
Fabric #3 (March): Geometric

A geometric pattern can be defined as a pattern consisting of lines and geometric figures, such as triangles, circles and squares, that tend to be symmetrical.
Fabric #4 (April): Abstract

A motif that does not depict a person, place, or thing in the natural world and are hard to describe in any other way.
Fabric #5 (May): Other
Other refers to anything other than a typical quilting cotton. Linens, Shot Cottons, Flannel, Denim, Chambray, Minky, Felt, Knit, Suede.... the possibilities are absolutely limitless! Get creative, we can't wait to see what you come up with!
Fabric #6 (June): Dots and Dashes
Fabric #7 (July): Text
Text fabric would include anything that implies letters, words, or numbers. Have fun!!
Fabric #8 (August): Metallics
Fabric #9 (September): Stripes
Simultaneously all the rage right now and an unbeatable classic, we have stripes for this month's additional fabrics! Due by October meeting time!
Fabric #10 (October): Solids
2020 Block Lotto
The Block Lotto continues to be a hit with guild members and so we are rolling it out again for 2020! (See past Block Lottos from 2018 and 2019) Throughout the year, we will announce three to four blocks and a specific due date. Those who want to participate should make as many of the assigned block as they wish and bring them to the meeting at which they're due. Each finished block is worth one ticket. All of the tickets will be put into a drawing, and the person with the winning ticket wins all of the blocks! Depending on the number of blocks we receive, we may choose to split them among multiple people (for instance, if we have enough blocks to make two throw quilts, they'll be split between two winners). This activity is totally voluntary, and the blocks aren't related. Feel free to join in if and when you choose!
Block #1
- Block #1 is an Airmail Envelope block. PDF pattern for the single block can be found HERE*.
- Color Schematic:
- The background fabrics should be low-volume prints.
- The envelope fabrics should be shades of red and pink (prints or solids welcome).
- The interior of the envelope can be anything you like. Think of it as the content of a valentine you would like to send to a quilty friend! Fussy cutting is highly encouraged. :)
- Unfinished blocks should measure 8.5”
- The blocks are due in your nearest drop box by July 15th.
- Scrap Bin Geese! We've been excited about this block all year. The tutorial is found here and is excellent.
- Color Schematic
- The middle triangles, or 'geese', can be any color! They can be all the same, they can fade, they can be rainbow - whatever you like.
- We would like to stick with her colors of low volume whites and grays for the sides. Stay with her instructions and you will be just fine.
- Due Date: These blocks are due in your nearest drop box by September 30th.
*Pattern borrowed from https://scrapatches.blogspot.com/search?q=airmail. PLEASE NOTE: We have changed the measurements! If you visit her site for more detailed instructions be sure to refer to our PDF pattern for correct cut measurements.
Block Lotto #2

Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Meeting #98 (January 11, 2020)
Hello modern quilters and Happy New Year! We look forward to kicking off 2020 with you at our upcoming meeting.
Date: January 11, 2020
Time: 10 am-12:30 pm
Location: Shrewsbury City Center
5200 Shrewsbury Ave., Shrewsbury, MO 63119
Sunset Room
Important note: This is an alternate location! Due to construction at The Heights, our 2020 meetings will be split between two locations, The Heights and the Shrewsbury Community Center. Be sure to pay attention each month this year! Thanks for your patience and understanding.
-Welcome & Guild Business:
:: Membership Information
:: Financial Information
:: Quilting News / Around Town
:: Reminders
:: New Officer Introductions
:: Block of the Month
:: Block Lotto
:: Welcome Committee Formation and Sign Ups
:: January Fabric Bundle Raffle
:: 2019 Charity Committee Final Numbers
:: Welcome Committee Sign Up
:: Pay Dues
:: Sign In/Attendance Ticket
- Activity: STLMQG Members Near You!
- Show & Tell (time permitting)
- Draw for raffle prizes
- Mix & Mingle
:: We're still accepting dues for 2020, which we are holding steady at $40 for next year. Technically they were due by December 31, 2019 but we are holding off on removing folks from the roster for just a bit. Dues can be paid by cash, check, or credit card. You can pay at the meeting or online through our Paypal link.
Date: January 11, 2020
Time: 10 am-12:30 pm
Location: Shrewsbury City Center
5200 Shrewsbury Ave., Shrewsbury, MO 63119
Sunset Room
Important note: This is an alternate location! Due to construction at The Heights, our 2020 meetings will be split between two locations, The Heights and the Shrewsbury Community Center. Be sure to pay attention each month this year! Thanks for your patience and understanding.
-Welcome & Guild Business:
:: Membership Information
:: Financial Information
:: Quilting News / Around Town
:: Reminders
:: New Officer Introductions
:: Block of the Month
:: Block Lotto
:: Welcome Committee Formation and Sign Ups
:: January Fabric Bundle Raffle
:: 2019 Charity Committee Final Numbers
:: Fabric Bundle Raffle:: Welcome Committee Sign Up
:: Pay Dues
:: Sign In/Attendance Ticket
- Activity: STLMQG Members Near You!
- Show & Tell (time permitting)
- Draw for raffle prizes
- Mix & Mingle
-------------------------- Reminders ------------------------------
:: We're still accepting dues for 2020, which we are holding steady at $40 for next year. Technically they were due by December 31, 2019 but we are holding off on removing folks from the roster for just a bit. Dues can be paid by cash, check, or credit card. You can pay at the meeting or online through our Paypal link.
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