Our in person meeting last weekend was a rollicking good time as we got to know each other a little better with our mixer and fabric swap. If you missed us Saturday keep reading for some important and time sensitive updates.
Guild Business:
- Gail (Treasurer) went over the guild's finances. If you are interested to know more, please contact her or see her report on the group Facebook page.
- Octavia (Secretary) covered our current membership which is currently 167 members. If you're not a member yet, learn how to join HERE.
Be sure to save the date for the STLMQG's 3rd quilt show, which will be held July 16-17, 2022. Set up will take place July 15, and we'll need all hands on deck over the course of the weekend (volunteer signups to come), so please plan accordingly.
Registration is open to members through April 16 -- that's this coming Saturday! Please join us in showing off our members' wonderful work. We'd love to show something (or several somethings) from each one of you! You will find all the information you need for registration here. Please review the document carefully before submitting quilts or emailing us with questions.
If you have any questions after reading the instructions, please email the committee at stlmqgquiltshow@gmail.com. We hope that as many members as possible will participate so we can really put our best foot forward for the show. And don't be shy about entering multiple quilts/items; each member can register up to nine quilts/items (though acceptance of all entries is not guaranteed).
We also need you to publicize the show! You can download the full-resolution .jpg here or .png here for sharing on Instagram, Facebook, etc. (We also made a few updates, so if you've already downloaded the old versions, go ahead and switch to the new ones. Thanks!) Help us get the word out!
Thank you!
STLMQG Quilt Show Committee
Email the guild if you are interested in joining a workshop. If you registered and have not yet paid, please do so as soon as possible to keep your spot. Details below.
- Home Sew Happy Hour: Jump on Zoom April 19 from 6-9pm with your favorite beverage and some tedious sewing that's better with friends. This is a casual event where you can come and go as you please.
- Block of the Month: Patti Baymiller was our winner for March and also the first to get her blocks posted the day after our last meeting! Have you joined in the Block of the Month sampler quilt party yet? It's been so fun seeing everyone's take on Instagram. For all the info look HERE. It's not too late to jump in.
- April BOM: Speaking of the block of the month, the next tutorial is live on the blog. We're focusing on variations of the square-in-a-square block, so choose your adventure and get sewing. Post to Instagram using #stlmqgbom or email a photo before our next meeting to be entered for a prize. We will select a winner for April even though we won't meet in May. Tutorial can be found HERE.
- Committee updates:
- The Swap and Challenge committee collected the "Lockup" blocks made from the fabrics traded at our "ugly" fabric swap last meeting. Cathy Jones and Dottie Vaughn each won a bundle of blocks. Congrats!
- The Swap and Challenge committee also initiated the "inspirational" fabric swap, due in June. See the rules HERE.
- The Quilt Show committee emphasized registering your quilts and promoting our show in July. Not sure how to share the image on social media, get in touch. Talk it up outside of social media too! See important info above.
- The Charity committee asked our membership to consider making gender neutral or using traditionally male color schemes for a portion of the quilts we donate. Our donations generally overlook this group and young men do reside at TWSH with their mothers. We'd like to be able to give them quilts that more easily fit their tastes.
- The Charity committee also collected fabric donations from members to make kits for the Women's Safe House Project. Want to hear how we did? Keep reading.

- Fabric Raffle: One of our brand new members was a winner this month! Congrats to Tee Perdue and Candice Marshall on snagging those Hibiscus FQ bundles donated by our lovely sponsor Cotton Cuts. We're grateful for your support.
- Show and Share: We wrapped up the meeting with another great Show and Tell. Pics have been posted to our Instagram and Facebook pages. Join us there to see pictures of quilts that were shared, and to stay up to date on what's to come this year!