- Gayle, our Treasurer, gave us the updated financial info.
- Krista, our Secretary, announced our membership numbers and passed out our new MQG membership cards and pins.
- Marie, our VP, announced several pieces of quilting news and happenings (more about these will be sent via email).
- Jessica, our President, covered several items:
- The hand-sew happy hours and location for the entire year have been posted to the blog. This month's meet-up will be on Tuesday, August 21.
- SewMeSTL is going to be three days of fun this year (October 5-7)! Info on hotel rates and how to reserve a room, as well as registration info, will be sent via email this week. You can find all the details on the retreat in this new post.
- Updates on our upcoming workshops with Latifah Saafir and visit from Beth Snyder of 1 Canoe 2 were announced. Latifah will now be visiting in September, and Beth has been moved to November. More information has been sent via email. Updated information about Latifah's trunk show and workshops can be found in this post.
- The Member Swap and Challenge Committee's 2018 Colors of the Year Challenge, celebrating Pantone Ultra Violet and Kona Tiger Lily, is still going on, due in November. You can find all of the details here.
- Our Nurses for Newborns charity project is still going strong as well. The final collection will be in November. You can find all of the details here.
- Lilo and Leila announced the plan for our QuiltCon Charity Quilt Challenge, a fabulous design called Confluence, and distributed the first round of blocks. The remaining blocks will be distributed at future meetings, and all finished blocks are due in November.
- Jessica announced the next Rainbow Block of the Month (BOM) Challenge color -- red, easy peasy. You can find all of the details here.
- For this month's activity, six of our wonderful members presented demos of eight specialty rulers. They provided plenty of inspiration and courage for us to go home and use those rulers we know are collecting dust in our sewing rooms. Thank you to our demonstrators, Heather, Robyn, Marie, Jolene, Barb, and Pam! And in case their demos inspired you to purchase one of the rulers for your own collection, here are some easy Amazon links to find them: Pineapple Trim Tool, Quick Curve, Add a Quarter, Add an Eighth, Bloc Loc Half Square Triangle, Easy Angle, Companion Angle, and Stripology.
- Marie raffled off the blocks for our third Block Lotto round to two lucky winners. She also announced the details for our final Block Lotto of the year, a fun and easy holiday tree block. You can find all of the details here. These blocks will be due in November, so you've got lots of time.
- The Member Swap and Challenge Committee announced the final swap of the year, which will take place at SewMeSTL. Those who wish to participate should bring four fat quarters in shades of a color chosen from one spoke of the color wheel (see image). You can use the same shade in multiple FQs, but try to vary your grouping overall.
You may choose any combination of modern prints and solids. This will be a blind swap, so bring your FQs in a brown paper bag (we’ll have extras in case you forget). The swap will take place on Saturday of SewMeSTL.
- We wrapped up the meeting with a great Show and Tell, including these lovelies from Em and Bobbie. Keep an eye on our Instagram page to see lots more pics of the meeting, show and tell, and our members' projects throughout the month.
Remember that Latifah Saafir will be presenting a wonderful trunk show and lecture at next month's meeting, so you won't want to miss out. IMPORTANT REMINDER: The September meeting will take place at The Center of Clayton, 50 Gay Ave., Clayton, MO 63105, Meeting Rooms B and C (First Floor), not at The Heights. The meeting info page has been updated here.