Friday, October 9, 2020

Guild Assistance Program (GAP)

Announcing the Guild Assistance Program (G.A.P.)

As COVID continues to affect the economy and those around us in unexpected and unplanned ways, the guild wants to make sure no one is left behind due to the inability to pay our dues. To achieve this, we have established the Guild Assistance Program, or G.A.P.. 

  • Current members may donate to the fund when they renew their dues for the year here
  • Individuals who are unable to pay part of or the full amount of our yearly dues are welcome to email the board ( to ask for financial assistance. 
  • Donations and request are confidential. We trust folks will be honest in their requests. 
  • Requests should be received by the yearly dues deadline. They will be evaluated as a whole after that deadline. Funds will be distributed based on their availability and the number of requests received.

Our research indicates that many guilds have programs such as this but get few enough requests for assistance that their boards can handle it on a case by case basis and let it evolve naturally as it, and their guild, grows. It is our intention to use the first year or two to see if there is an interest in contributing as well as a need within our community for such a program. If so, we can't wait to see how it grows and trust future boards to flesh out parameters as needed. 

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