Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Meeting #118 (March 12, 2022)

Happy almost springtime quilters! We hope you can join us this weekend, either on Zoom or in person,  for a swapping good time and honoring the quilts of "alternative" beauty.

Date: March 12, 2022
Time: 10 am-12:30 pm
Shrewsbury Center - 5200 Shrewsbury Ave, St. Louis, MO 63119


-Welcome & Guild Business
  • Zoom etiquette
  • Financial Information
  • Membership Information
  • Quilting News/Around Town
  • Reminders
  • BOM updates
  • Committee updates
  • Ugly fabric swap


-March Activity - Love the Unlovable: An 'Ugly Quilt' Quilt Show
'Ugly Quilt' Quilt Show Info: Sure, sometimes crap is crap, but perception is everything and pulling back the curtain on some of these things can be so enlightening to others. We might learn that even the most ‘talented’ among us have made some truly terrible things. And we might learn that what we think is our worst is really quite beautiful to those around us. And hey, even if crap truly is crap, what good is it if you can’t laugh and cringe about it with those who will understand it the most?

So dig out that project that you swore you would never share with anyone, EVER, and get ready to commiserate in the most positive and jovial way possible with your fellow quilt makers. Ribbons will be awarded to some of the ‘Best.' We can’t wait to see what you bring!

**Quilts and quilt tops are preferred; other projects that fit our guild are welcome.**

- Fabric raffle winner announcement - Thank you Cotton Cuts!
-Block of the Month February winner announcement
-Attendance Prizes
- Show & Tell (time permitting)

-------------------------- Reminders ------------------------------

  • The guild will be adhering to CDC mask guidelines for St. Louis County at this meeting. Please join us on Zoom if you are not feeling well.
  • Wear your name tag for a chance to win a prize!
  • Don't forget to bring an ugly fabric to trade.
  • Bring your 'ugly' quilt for the quilt show.
  • Remember your goodies for the free table.

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